3 resultados para histopathological

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma are uncommon before age of 40 years. While certain clinical, pathological and molecular features of GEJ adenocarcinoma in older patients have been extensively studied, these characteristics in the younger population remain to be determined. In the recent literature, a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma was demonstrated by using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) DNA probe set specific for the locus specific regions 9p21 (p16), 20q13.2 and Y chromosome. We evaluated 663 patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma and further divided them into 2 age-groups of or= 50 years, rispectively. FISH with selected DNA probe for Y chromosome, locus 9p21 (p16), and locus 20q13.2 was investigated with formalin fixed and parassin embedded tissue from surgical resections of 17 younger and 11 older patients. Signals were counted in > 100 cells with each given histopathological category. The chromosomal aberrations were then compared in the 2 age-groups with the focus on uninvolved squamous and columnar epithelium, intestinal metaplasia (Barrett's mucosa), glandular dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma. Comparisons were performed by the X2 test, Fisher's exact test, Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test as appropriate. Survival was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method with univariate analysis by the log-rank. Significance was taken at the 5% level. There was no difference in the surgical technique applied in both age groups and most patients underwent Ivor Lewis esophagectomy. Among clinical variables there was a higher incidence of smocking history in older patient group. We identified a progressive loss of Y chromosome from benign squamos epithelium to Barrett's mucosa and glandular dysplasia, and, ultimately, to a near complete loss in adenocarcinoma in both age groups. The young group revealed significantly more losses of 9p21 in both benign and neoplastic cells when compared to the older patients group. In addition, we demonstrated an increase in the percentage of cells showing gain of locus 20q13.2 with progression from benign epithelium through dysplasia to adenocarcinoma with almost the same trend in both the young and the older patients. When compared with the older age-group, younger patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma possess similar known demographics, environmental factors, clinical, and pathologic characteristics. The most commonly detected genetic aberrations of progressive Y chromosomal loss, 9p21 locus loss, and 20q13 gains were similar in the younger and older patients. However the rate of loss of 9p21 is significantly higher in young patients, in both the benign and the neoplastic cells. The loss of 9p21, and possibly, the subsequent inactivation of p16 gene may be one of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the accelerated neoplastic process in young patients.


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Aim of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of transrectal ultrasound biopsy (TRUS-biopsy) directed to regions with abnormal MRI and/or MRSI (magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging ) for both the transition (TZ) and the peripheral (PZ) zones in patients who presented with persistent suspect for prostate cancer and with prior negative biopsy. We also evaluated relationship between MRSI results and histopathological findings of biopsy. 54 patients with the aforementioned characteristics underwent MRI/MRSI at least 6 months after prior negative biopsy; interval between MRI/3D-MRSI and the further TRUS-biopsy was less than 3 months. The prostate was divided in 12 regions both for imaging interpretation and biopsy. Moreover one to three cores more were taken from each region with abnormal MRI and/or 3D-MRSI. Twenty-two out of 54 patients presented cancer at MRI/MRSI-directed-TRUS-biopsy. On a patient basis the highest accuracy was obtained by assigning malignancy on a positive finding with MRSI and MRI even though it was not significantly greater than that obtained using MRI alone (area under the ROC curve, AUC: 0.723 vs. 0.676). On a region (n=648) basis the best accuracy was also obtained by considering positive both MRSI and MRI for PZ (0.768) and TZ (0.822). Twenty-eight per cent of cores with prostatitis were false positive findings on MRSI, whereas only 2.7% of benign prostatic hyperplasia was false positive. In conclusion the accuracy of MRI/MRSI-directed biopsies in localization of prostate cancer is good in patient and region analyses. The combination of both MRI and MRSI results makes TRUS-biopsy more accurate particularly in the TZ (0.822) for patients with prior negative biopsies. Histopathological analysis showed that the main limitation of MRSI is the percentage of false positive findings due to prostatitis.


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Sono stati studiati gli effetti tossici dell’esposizione cronica a cobalto e cromo. In passato, questa tossicità, che colpiva lavoratori esposti per ragioni occupazionali, è stata un problema molto sentito. Tuttavia, recenti pubblicazioni hanno descritto una specifica tossicità mediata da elevati livelli di cobalto e cromo, anche in pazienti portatori di protesi metalliche, quali gli impianti d’anca. Anche se sintomi clinici tra cui, cecità, sordità e neuropatia periferica, suggeriscono uno specifico neurotropismo, ancora poco è conosciuto delle basi neuropatologiche di questo processo ed oltretutto non ne è ancora stata apportata un’evidenza sperimentale. In questo progetto di ricerca, quindi, si è voluto approfondire il meccanismo patogenetico da cui scaturiscono tali sintomi neurologici, utilizzando come modello sperimentale il coniglio. Conigli New Zealand White sono stati trattati con dosi endovenose ripetute di cobalto e cromo, inoculati singolarmente od in associazione tra loro. Nessuna evidente alterazione clinica o patologica è stata associata alla somministrazione di solo cromo, nonostante gli elevati livelli in sangue e tessuti, mentre i trattati con cobalto-cromo o solo cobalto hanno mostrato segni clinici gravanti sul sistema vestibolo-cocleare; il cobalto, quindi, è stato identificato come il maggiore elemento scatenante neurotossicità. Inoltre all’esame istopatologico gli animali hanno mostrato severa deplezione delle cellule gangliari retiniche e cocleari, assieme a danno al nervo ottico e perdita di cellule sensitive capellute dell’orecchio. È risultato infine evidente che la gravità delle alterazioni è stata correlata al dosaggio ed al tempo di esposizione; dati questi che confermano, quindi, le precedenti osservazioni fatte su pazienti umani esposti a rilascio abnorme di cobalto e cromo da usura di protesi d’anca. È stato ipotizzato che il cobalto agisca sui mitocondri provocando l’incremento di produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno e il rilascio di fattori proapoptotici, causando sulle cellule neuronali un danno proporzionale al loro fabbisogno energetico e grado di mielinizzazione.